Monday, May 31, 2010

Religion And Angels

The existence of angels have long been debated.  But in different scriptures of different religions, angels have always been mentioned.  They are commonly identified to be messengers of God.  Their existence has been first recorded ever since the Greek and

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Angelology Defined

Angels are a popular image in modern culture. A lot of this popularity comes from popular culture: images of kindly messengers running around helping the underprivileged and giving those who've been through dark times a chance at redemption. This image

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Knock Your Socks Off Facts About Angels

Many people may not be aware but there are several truly amazing facts about angels, most especially since it literally bears reference in the Bible no less than 300 times- all the way from Genesis to Revelation.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Angels in Islam

It maybe surprising to some but the idea of angels isn't exactly unique to the Christian religious tradition. That wouldn't surprise religious scholars, of course. They know that Islam and Judaism share the same roots

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Angels are necessary part of our faith. They are said to be the guardians that help us avoid disasters and also help us weigh in things and choose the right path. Of course, there are people who also say that angels go both ways – the good and the bad. It is up to us to choose which